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Panoram Featured in Latest Briefing Microsoft Teams Supplement

Earlier this year, Briefing Frontiers Legal IT landscapes research found that Microsoft Teams had carved out quite a comfortable place for itself as the dominant tool for internal collaboration at leading law firms during the pandemic.

This latest online edition features a number of innovative uses of MS Teams in the legal sector, including Panoram’s own development of custom matter workflows in MS Teams for eDiscovery.

In a special feature, our Head of eDiscovery, Martin Bonney, outlines how MS Teams pairs well with Nuix Discover to enhance project collaboration in eDiscovery, speeding up the time to document review and the speed of document review and delivering the consistency and transparency that ensures all projects are delivered on time, in scope and to budget.

By using MS Teams with a powerful e-discovery platform like Nuix, we are able to deliver both project efficiency and quality while handling all these new data sources.

Martin Bonney

For further details, read the Briefing MS Teams Supplement.

Martin Bonney
Martin Bonney

Head of eDiscovery